welcoming members from all backgrounds

Join the BSN

The British Society for Neuroendocinology (BSN) is a friendly, supportive community of scientists dedicated to forward-thinking and innovative research. 

There are membership categories for neuroendocrinologists at all career stages (see table below). Free membership, including all normal membership benefits, is available to students and researchers residing in World Bank low-income countries. Discretionary free memberships are available to students and researchers residing in World Bank lower-middle income countries. In both cases, please initially email theteam@neuroendo.org.uk.

One-year career break free memberships are available for members on maternity/paternity/parental leave, or with caring responsibilities or illness. Contact theteam@neuroendo.org.uk.

Join the BSN today


Posters for your lab

Help us encourage up-and-coming neuroendocrinologists join the BSN and access the benefits as well as a welcoming community with these posters.


Why our members love the BSN (in 3 words)

Membership benefits

Whichever area of neuroendocrinology you are involved in, membership of the BSN will help you:

  • Apply for funding opportunities through our range of grants*
  • Publish Open Access in the Journal of Neuroendocrinology with an exclusive members-only discount
  • Receive significant discounts on meeting registration*
  • Gain additional recognition for your skills and experience, including through BSN research prizes
  • Develop your professional network through regular BSN meetings
  • Demonstrate your support for the future of neuroendocrinology and the BSN
  • Stay up-to-date with cutting edge research with free online access to the Journal of Neuroendocrinology

*Members of more than 6 months' standing can apply for support via any of the funding vehicles that are currently available, and the Society also supports the periodic International Congress of Neuroendocrinology and subsidises BSN members to attend this meeting and Annual Meetings in the UK and Europe.

Newsletter: Members receive a periodic newsletter containing updates and reports from the key office holders, reminders about up-coming grant deadlines, and details of the Annual Meetings. 

BSN Board of Trustees: BSN members are encouraged to take an interest in the running of their Society and the decisions taken by the Board of Trustees on their behalf, and many members have served on the Board.

Claim tax relief for UK members: As of 6 April 2022, the BSN has been added to HMRC’s ‘List 3’ of societies on whose membership fees you can claim tax relief. The rules are that you can claim tax relief on annual subscriptions you pay to approved learned societies if being a member of that body or society is relevant to your job. You cannot claim tax relief if you have not paid the membership fee yourself (for example if your employer has paid it). You can see further information on how to claim at https://www.gov.uk/guidance/claim-income-tax-relief-for-your-employment-expenses-p87. Please note that you will need to look under ‘B’ to locate the BSN.


New - Group student membership

Institutions can now pay for a group of students to become undergraduate members of the BSN. Individuals within a group membership will have access to all membership benefits. Contact theteam@neuroendo.org.uk for more information.

New membership applications

To apply for new membership, please visit mySociety, our members' portal. Applicants do not need to be resident in the UK to become members. Prices are as follows:

Membership Annual Fee
Full (academic) £75
Full (postdoctoral) £30
Research Technician £10
Postgraduate student £10
Undergraduate student £10
Emeritus retired £10
Low income countries - Free
Lower-middle income countries - Discretionary/Free
Career break - Free for 1 year


Membership Renewals

To renew an existing membership, please visit our mySociety members' portal. You can request a new password via the log in page, where you should select the 'forgotten password' option. Your user name will be the email address we hold for you - please contact theteam@neuroendo.org.uk for assistance.

Access our Members Portal mySociety