welcoming members from all backgrounds

ECRs - It's time to nominate your next BSN Deputy ECR Representative

ECRs - It's time to nominate your next BSN Deputy ECR Representative

Each year the ECR Trustee is automatically replaced by the current Deputy ECR Representative. Therefore, we are seeking nominations for the next Deputy ECR Representative.

If you would like to represent the voices of early career researchers within neuroendocrinology within the BSN, this is a great opportunity for you.

Deputy ECR Representative

Information on the current ECR Representative and Deputy ECR Representative is on the ECR Hub webpage.

The role of Deputy ECR Representative includes:

  • Attending BSN General Committee meetings (please be aware that these occur according to working hours in the GMT/GMT+1 timezone)
  • Attending BSN ECR sub-committee meetings (please be aware that these occur according to working hours in the GMT/GMT+1 timezone)
  • Assisting the ECR Trustee in organising the ECR Event at the Annual BSN Meeting
  • Assisting the ECR Trustee in opening up nominations and voting for the next Deputy ECR Rep
  • Assisting the ECR Trustee in organising other events and workshops to support ECRs in the BSN Community
  • Progressing to the role of ECR Trustee from the following Annual BSN Meeting

Nominate the next BSN Deputy ECR Representative

Only early career researchers can nominate the next Deputy ECR Representative.

Please complete this Word document to nominate yourself, or someone else (with their permission), to be the next BSN Early Career Researcher Deputy Representative and email to nicole.morrissey@sund.ku.dk and chris.marshall@bristol.ac.uk. The successful candidate will be Deputy Representative from June 2024 until July 2025, and then will be Trustee and Representative from July 2025 until the BSN meeting in 2026.

The deadline for nominations has been extended to 17 April 2024, 5pm GMT, and then the anonymous paragraph for the nominees will be circulated within the BSN ECR community to vote upon.

If you have any questions please feel free to email the current representatives, Dr Nicole Morrissey (ECR Trustee; nicole.morrissey@sund.ku.dk) or Dr Chris Marshall (Deputy ECR Rep; chris.marshall@bristol.ac.uk)