Early Career Researcher Hub
Are you starting out in your neuroendocrinology career? Our early career researcher (ECR) hub gathers all our resources to help you with your career journey.
Mentorship scheme
We are delighted to have a team of mentors who are also BSN members willing share their expertise and experience in the field of neuroendocrinology with mentees. Mentors and mentees can discuss anything related to their work - from career progression to navigating tricky work environments.
Watch again: PANS-BSN Career Development Webinar: Establishing a career in Academia/Postdoc to PI transition
The PANS Career Development committee and the British Society of Neuroendocrinology (BSN) jointly hosted a Career Development webinar on Establishing a career in Academia/Postdoc to PI transition on Thursday 24 October 2024.
The diverse panel of speakers from Europe and the Americas at different academic career stages had a rich discussion on:
- Academic job applications, interviews hiring process and negotiations
- Opening and setting up a lab
- Grants and funding opportunities
- Project/time/team/budget managements
Rewatch the PANS-BSN career development webinar
- Career advice from our eminent neuroendocrinologists
- Get support: Mental Health Helplines
- 5 ways early career researchers can get involved with BSN and further their careers
- Public engagement ideas for Brain Awareness Week
- 8 Tips for presenting your research at conferences
- 7 Ways to make the most of your membership as an ECR
Brainwaves interviews
Brainwaves is an interview series with eminent neuroendocinologists about their work, passions and tips for budding scientists.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Professor Waljit Dhillo on why basic science is so important in finding new therapies, why in-person conferences are best for new ideas and forging interdisciplinary collaborations and why he feels like a child in a sweet shop when it comes to work!
- Brainwaves: Interview with Dr Michelle Bellingham on excitement about unexpected results and new research ideas, the importance of learning new things and why kindness goes a long way.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Professor Neil Evans on the impact of his research and taking the opportunities that present to you.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Dr Giles Yeo on luck and following the biology, finding your niche and destigmatising body weight.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Professor Dave Grattan on neuroendocrinology in Australasia, prolactin research, celebrating successes and why it’s an exciting time to be in neuroendocrinology.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Professor Gareth Leng on his career from mathematics to neuroendocrinology, why there is always more research to be done and why connections are more important than impact factors.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Professor Fran Ebling on his research into seasonal rhythmicity, why The French Lieutenant’s Woman by John Fowles is his favourite book and his advice to aspiring neuroendocrinologists.
- Brainwaves: Interview with Dr Jane Robinson on the people who inspired her research into the reproductive neuroendocrine axis, how the working environment has changed during her time as a scientist and about how she was once knocked out by a ram!
- Brainwaves: Interview with Associate Professor Helen Christian on her work on the feedback control of the pituitary, surprising research findings and why she will never skimp on giving feedback to the next generation of neuroendocrinologists.
Lab notes interviews
Lab Notes is an interview series with recently established neuroendocrine researchers about how they started their labs and advice they would give to up-and-coming neuroendocrine researchers.
- Lab Notes: Interview with Dr Dave Lyons
- Lab Notes: Interview with Dr T. Lee Gilman
- Lab Notes: Interview with Dr Claire Foldi
BSN Annual Meeting 2024 Lectures - members-only
Watch the following video recorded lectures on BSN's member-only website, mySociety (you need your username and password to log in):
- A clock for all seasons BSN Annual Meeting 2024 Plenary Lecture by Professor Andrew Loudon
- Plasticity in the structure and function of pituitary lactotrophs and folicullo-stellate cells 2024 Alison Douglas Plenary Lecture by Professor Helen Christian
Professor Bob Millar Festschrift Presentations - members-only
Watch the videos of presentations by the following presenters on BSN's member-only website, mySociety (you need your username and password to log in):
- Vincent Prevot (France)
- Allan Herbison (UK)
- Mushi Matjila (SA)
- Scott Struthers (USA)
- Mark Kidd (USA)
- Ed Sturrock (SA)
- Suleyman Sandal (Turkey)
- Yavuz Yavuz (Turkey)
- Dave Grattan (New Zealand)
- Sue Moenter (USA)
- Ilpo Huhtaniemi (UK)
- Arieh Katz (SA)
- Kevin O'Byrne (UK)
- Richard Anderson (UK)
- Victor Navarro (USA)
- Suzanne Dickson (Sweden)
- John-Olov Jansson (Sweden)
- Bayram Yilmaz (Turkey)
- Denise Belsham (Canada)
- Iain Clarke (Australia)
BSN Annual Meeting 2023 Lectures - members-only
Watch the following video recorded lectures on BSN's member-only website, mySociety (you need your username and password to log in):
- Exploring the neuroendocrine basis of puberty and reproduction: Kisspeptins and beyond Alison Douglas Lecture by Manuel Tena-Sempere
- Neuroendocrine mechanisms of seasonal adaptation Mortyn Jones Lecture by Valerie Simonneaux
- Hypothalamus-driven sleep alterations in a neurodegenerative disease: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis by Simon Guillot, 2023 Professor Dame Julia Buckingham Award Winner
- SLIDES ONLY - NC3Rs workshop: Embedding 3Rs principles into your experimental design & funding applications, Dr Jessica Eddy
BSN Annual Meeting lectures - publicly available
- 'Decoding the Biological Clock: Exploring the Genetics of Human Reproductive Ageing' Public Lecture by Professor Anna Murray, BSN Annual Meeting 2023.
- "Is Obesity A Choice?" Wylie Vale Public Lecture by Professor Giles Yeo, 2022 10th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology.
- 'New insights into the brain control of hunger' by Professor Lora Heisler, University of Aberdeen, 2019 British Society for Neuroendocrinology Plenary Lecture.
- 'Back to Your Future' by Dr Jane Robinson, University of Glasgow, 2019 Alison Douglas Memorial Lecture for the British Society for Neuroendocrinology.
ICN2022 Lectures - members-only
Watch the following video recorded lectures from 2022 10th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology on BSN's member-only website, mySociety (you need your username and password to log in):
- "History of Neuroendocrinology" Plenary Lecture by Professor Gareth Leng
- "What talks to brown adipose tissue?" Alison Douglas Memorial Lecture by Professor Barbara Cannon
- "Game of Hormones: why sex and sex hormones matter for brain health" Mortyn Jones Memorial Lecture by Professor Liisa Galea
Watch again: 2020 and 2021 Summer webinars
During the summer of 2020 when lockdowns were being imposed to curb the COVID-19 pandemic, it was crucial for ECRs to be able to continue disseminating research as well as connecting with other neuroendocrine researchers. In response, the BSN set up a series of summer webinars by and for early career researchers, to allow ECRs to stay up to date with developments in neuroendocrinology and network with other researchers at a time when in-person conferences and meetings weren’t an option. In 2021 the BSN ran another ECR webinar series with talks and hosts from Europe and Africa, the Americas and Asia and Australasia.
- Watch previous ECR webinar recordings via the members only mySociety website (Note: you must be logged in to mySociety for the link to work).
We have grants that are particularly relevant to early career researchers. Read more on how to apply for the following grants:
- Early Career Researcher Travel Grant - up to £200 (£450 for non-UK based ECRs) to attend the BSN Annual Meeting
- Project Support Grant - up to £8000 for consumables/other research costs to enable postdoctoral scientists or students to carry out the best possible neuroendocrine research project
- Undergraduate Student Laboratory Experience Grant - up to £2440 to provide financial support for a student who undertakes a vacation lab project
Awards and prizes
BSN Student Presentation prize: Awarded at the BSN Annual Meeting to the best three student poster presentations, as judged by the BSN Board of Trustees.
Professor Dame Julia Buckingham Award: In honour of Professor Dame Julia Buckingham, this prize recognises the achievement and potential of an up-and-coming scientist within the BSN (up to 1 year following completion of PhD) at the BSN annual meetings.
Dr Michael Harbuz Prize for Early Career Researchers: In honour the memory of Dr Michael Harbuz, this prize is for an outstanding member of the emerging generation of neuroendocrinologists and is awarded at the BSN Annual Meeting.
Journal of Neuroendocrinology Early Career Perspectives
Journal of Neuroendocrinology regularly publishes Early Career Perspectives written by early career researchers. Read more about how to submit an article to Journal of Neuroendocrinology.
Neuroendocrine Briefings
Our Neuroendocrine Briefings series is intended as a resource to be freely used for teaching and public communication of neuroendocrinology. We are always looking for new contributors. Get in touch if you would like to write a Neuroendocrine Briefing via theteam@neuroendo.org.uk.
Get in touch
We'd love to hear your suggestions on how we can further support our early career researchers - get in touch via theteam@neuroendo.org.uk.