welcoming members from all backgrounds

Meet the BSN team

Meet the BSN team

Alongside our volunteer Trustees the smooth running of the BSN is managed by three team members. Here we introduce you to Sue, Roni and Agnes.

Sue Thorn, CEO (freelance)

I work with the BSN to provide advice and assist with annual accounts and reports, governance issues, strategy, and issues to do with Journal of Neuroendocrinology publishing and events. BSN is a small organisation that's growing rapidly and undergoing change. Since I started working with the BSN in 2016 I have helped the BSN increase their income, improve their satisfaction with the management of their journal and expand its remit, increase their grants programme and support their members through Covid.

I have 20 years' experience as CEO of a learned society and its trading company; in both cases journals publishing was the major revenue earner.

I live in Gloustershire with her two Doberman dogs. 


Roni Robbins, BSN Support Officer (staff)

Portrait or Roni Robbins, a white woman with blonde hair looking at the camera and smiling.I am delighted to have recently joined the British Society of Neuroendocrinology as the inaugural Society Support Officer. My goal in this role is to provide exceptional support to our members and further advance the mission of the British Society of Neuroendocrinology. I'm excited to collaborate with each of you to find innovative ways to achieve our objectives.

In my previous roles, I've had the privilege of working with groups such as the Yorkshire Law Society, The Ray Society, and the Porcupine Marine Natural History Society, which has equipped me with an understanding of how learned societies operate. Additionally, I've gained valuable experience working with diverse organisations including York Neighbours (a charity), the Natural History Museum, and Guy's and St Thomas' Hospital.

Outside of work, I volunteer at our local rugby club where I am the manager of the U11s and am also the treasurer for the club. I also spend a lot of time driving my daughter to and from her various activities. When not acting as her chauffeur, I can be found walking our dog, Holly, a miniature schnauzer, reading, or baking cakes. 



Agnes Becker, BSN Communications Officer (freelance)

My role at the BSN is to communicate the Society's activities and Journal of Neuroendocrinology articles both internally to its members as well as externally to prospective members. Since starting with the BSN in 2018 I have increased the number of applications to the BSN's grant scheme, strengthened teh BSN's social media presence, worked with Trustees to launch the BSN Mentor Scheme and COVID-19 ECR webinar series and created engaging communications campaigns for JNE special issues, such as the Insulin100 issue.

The friendly, supportive culture of the BSN makes it an absolute pleasure to do my job.

I specialise in science communication and have worked with high level academics and policy advisors to promote research at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and Imperial College London. After graduating with a BSc Hons Natural Sciences from Durham University I went on to gain an MSc Science Media Production (Distinction) from Imperial College London.  Since graduating from my Masters in 2009, I worked in a number of roles including as a researcher on science television programmes for Channel 4 and the BBC and a children's science show presenter in London's Science Museum. I have worked as a freelance Senior Science Communication specialist since 2016. My varied background allows me to ensure complex science is communicated in a clear, accurate way.

Outside of work, I love being out in nature as much as possible, spending time with my family, playing my violin and making things. 

I am also the creator of we are stardust, a business where nature, art and science collide: www.wearestardust.uk
